Saturday, October 25, 2014

Top 10 Tourist Destination Spots in the Southern Bicol Region

This is in no particular order. It is again sequenced by the land area of each province just like my previous posts! :)
Sorry, it was posted late as we had an OCLA last weekend and exams crashed over me last week :(

1. Mt. Mayon in Albay

I've mentioned this beautiful place a lot of times, and yes expect more of it for the rest of my future blog posts. Huhu #Don'tH8 I can't help it, it's the most iconic tourist destination in Albay. Mayon is the most active volcano in the Philippines, having erupted at least 49 times in the last 400 years.

Mt. Mayon
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If you're updated with the current "ganaps", locals are being evacuated away from the Mayon as it is now classified to be on Alert Level 3, zero being no volcanic activity. The most destructive eruption by far happened in February 1, 1841. Anyway, you really won't have to make an effort to see this when you go to Albay since it's visible anywhere you go! :)

2. Hoyop-Hoyopan Cave

The cave got its name from the Bicolano word "Hoyop" which means "blowing of air or wind," giving us a hint of the cool temperature inside. Unlike most of the caves you'll , aside from the mouth opening, this cave also has holes where breezy air can enter and soothe your soul.

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The cave is surrounded with stalagmites and stalactites so make sure you wear a protective cap when you get inside and be very careful with every step you take (wow life advice! hahaha). :)
3. Daraga Church
A visit to any place in the Philippines won't be complete without a trip or two to a church! Someone told me that when you visit a church for the first time, before you enter the doors, you have to close your eyes, wish and pray. I do it all the time! Do you? :)
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The church was built by Franciscan missionaries in 1773, and it was built from blocks of volcanic rocks. It was restored last 2009 since it's been badly eroding, imagine 230 years of standing against all odds!

4. Cagsawa Ruins park
The Cagsaua/Cagsawa Church was built in 1724 but was destroyed by the Mayon eruption in 1814 (look up on the 1st on my list), leaving only the belfry of the church. It was the most devastating eruption by far, killing almost 1,200 people and burying the whole Cagsawa town with Lahar. 

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Most of the shots of Mayon volcano has this belfry on the side. I think they really go well together. :)

5. Liang Black Sand Beach Sorsogon
Although the picture does not make justice to the black sand, it's the closest one I found on the web. Sorry about that! Anyway, have you seen DOT's "It's More Fun in The Philippines" official video campaign? The part where they mentioned how we have white, black and pink sand here in the country? This one's the black one they're referring to!
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6. Subic Beach
Aaaa, the Boracay of Sorsogon! Yup, fine white sand right there!
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For the beach lovers who want to soul-search (wow) and actually enjoy the serenity of of the sea, put this on your list! It's very far from the crowded, paradise-turned-party-place Boracay. Here, you can enjoy the pristine waters peacefully and take awesome photos!

7. Pagugiran Island, Bacon District, Sorsogon City
If you're looking for that sweet spot where you can enjoy the secluded place with just your loved ones, take them to Paguriran island. I've seen this in Tumblr before, I didn't know it was just in Sorsogon :)
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I remember Bucas Grande with all these rock formations. I don't know, but I really see God's masterpiece with sceneries like this :)

8, Bulusan Mountain Lake Resort, Bulusan
Known to be the Asian-Switzerland, there are a lot of activities offered in this resort. You ca go hiking and trekking by the mountains, go biking or even go kayaking. All for the adventure-seeker at heart to keep your adrenaline pumping!

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For a cheap price of a couple hundred bucks, you can go kayaking with those coloful things (how do you call them?? haha kayak boats? haha) dibs on the pink one!!

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The tourists and the locals. What a beautiful shot.

9, Buntod Reef Marine Sanctuary

This 250 hectare white sandbar offers activities like snorkeling, scuba diving, and birdwatching.
According to Romeo Soria Jr. of the Samahang Mangigisda ng Puro-Sinalikway, the group overseeing the sanctuary, the Buntod Reef Marine Sanctuary is currently ranked as the second most resilient Marine Sanctuary in Central Philippines–making it as an ideal diving spot. (Source:

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Marvel on the beauty of nature while getting some tan! :)

10. Catandayagan Falls, Masbate
Can you imagine how this falls actually empties its water right to the sea? Awesome!!

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

5 Best Things To Do in the South of Bicol Region

After knowing the geographical location of the destinations you want to visit, next step would be listing down all the fun things you MUST do! Although it's nice to be spontaneous (cue in song: Que sera, sera), if you won't be coming back in the area on multiple occasions, might as well seize the opportunity. YOLO! =)
And since most of us travel for just a few days and the possibilities are endless, make sure you narrow down at least 5 must-do's you shouldn't miss for the world. The rest would be complementary. That way, in case unexpected turn of events happen, you'd still be able to say "Damn, that was a one hell of a trip!"
Enough introduction, I'll follow the order from my previous blog post. Albay, Sorsogon and Masbate. No bias!!
1. Take an ATV around Mt. Mayon in Albay
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This activity is for the adventurous, definitely not for the faint of heart. You can go in tandem (hi cutie couples!!) or go solo. For the first part, they'll give you instructions and some chika, then you go for some practice rounds to prepare you for the battle! Yes, battle! Take note: this is not some go-cart driving you take in amusement parks.

The whole trail will take you all around the beautiful Mayon. First stop is the Lava Wall, a 6km stretch of lava debris from the 2006 eruption. Literally a rocky road! 

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Then to the Mayon Gullies with small streams.

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Rides last from 45 minutes up to 4 hours, depending on what package will you avail. Whew, that 4 hours. Can you imagine how sore would your body be after that? Not unless you're really into extremes.

I know what's on your mind. How much does it cost? Of course, I'll tell you the rates.

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The cost also depends on the kind of ATV you will be using. With P699 being the cheapest, I think that's really worth it. Compare that to one round of zipline that usually starts at P500, one round that doesn't even last for 5 minutes. Just think of it as paying the gas of a high-powered vehicle for 45mins, the scenic views and the experience would be just the silver-linings. This one will definitely be on my list! It should be on yours too!

2. Whale Shark Interaction in Donsol, Sorsogon

I told you on my previous post that I will be saying more about this activity on my next post. Here it is!
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These gentle giants that grow up to 15 meters in length, they feed on krill and planktons. Amazing how they grow that big with that diet! Donsol, Sorsogon has the highest concentration of whale sharks/butandings in the whole world. (Times like this make me even prouder of my country!)

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This picture is quite alarming, if ever this guy really touched the whale shark! Or even if he did not, he was so close to the poor creature. Argh!! I don't know why people do stupid things just for the camera. Not cool, definitely not cool. He wasn't even wearing proper gears. I hope this picture was just photoshopped!

The purpose of this blog, aside from it's a subject requirement, is to inform the readers. Inform them what to do when traveling to the places I've been mentioning over and over to raise awareness. Awareness from the most basic of things (we started with geographical location) up to (wait for my next entries hehe) If only people like him took the time to listen to the guide's instructions (because there definitely is a guide) or read blogs like this, I bet he wouldn't do such stupid thing.

Anyway, here are some safety precautions you need to remember if you plan to visit these beautiful creatures (mostly I got from my T122 class):
1. Maintain a safe distance of at least 3 to 4 meters away from them.
2. Never ever feed them! Like the warning signs you usually encounter in a zoo that says "Do not feed the animals," what more this large creature? They feed on krill and plankton, not crackers or whatever fish you have.
3. Do not use cameras with flash, I think that's common sense.
4. Do not touch them. You see the spots on their skin? They are covered in protective slime and touching them would remove it.
5. For the love of God, DO NOT RIDE THEM!!! People who ride them should be imprisoned for stupidity forever. Evidence of some stupid guy riding a whale shark? Watch it HERE

Anyway, enough of my anger. Haha. Just keep them in mind and all will be well between us! :)

3. Firefly Watching in Donsol, Sorsogon

After playing with the gentle giants, relax yourself as the tour guides take you around the Donsol River on to the mangroves where thousands of fireflies marvel.

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I think this would be one of the sweetest dates ever. How many times in your lifetime will you see a bunch of trees filled with these pretty fireflies, together with only the light from the stars and the moon?

The rate? P1,250 for a group of 5. Yup, that's kinda cheap. The tour lasts up to 2 hours, but still depending on the pace of your group. You can leave as early as you want if you have to catch dinner somewhere else. :)

This activity is so beautiful, so so beautiful.

4. Attend Masbate's National Rodeo Festival

Being said that it's the Ranch Capital of the Philippines, what could be more exciting than attending the province's very unique festival? I'm sure for the thrill-seekers, there'll be no boring moment on this one! Imagine the blood gushing out from cows and whatnots (okay, that's kinda gross) ah, other people's idea of fun! Yep, not for animal lovers like me. I couldn't take that! :(

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The festival include 9 events: bull whipping, load carrying relay, cattle wrestling on foot, castle wrestling from horseback, cattle lassoing from horseback, two-person carambola, four-person carambola, carambola, and bull riding. (Source:

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Who told you girls can't do it too? Strong is the new sexy!

5. Feast on the Culinary Cuisines Albay, Sorsogon and Masbate have to offer

We, Filipinos, won't enjoy anything without food. I mean how many times do we eat everyday? Five? Five slices of pizza in one sitting? Lol :))

But seriously, we are known to be food-lovers! We need to munch on something during merienda and midnight. Or are we just bored so we check the fridge all the time? (Guilty as charged!) All in all: We. Can't. Stop. What Diet.

Bicol Express
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What Bicol is very known for: Bicol Express! (Duh!) For the true Oragons who take pride on their bravery, the sting of these chilis are nothing to them. In fact, they have it on almost all their food. I've never been a fan of chilis, never, so I haven't tasted this yummy dish yet. And I have no plans of tasting them hehe or not.. :) But if you're looking for that food na "May sipa!" try this!

Pili Nuts
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I remember waiting for my Bicolano/a relatives to bring out the Pili nuts from their baggage everytime they come to visit us in Bulacan. They're super yummy, I swear! There was one time when I was in grade school, I was wandering in the bodega beside our house. I looked through the boxes and huzzah! I found 2 packs of Pili Nuts. I didn't care if it was expired already, I was so happy that I ate them right away. #NoRegrets #YOLO #PG

Corned Beef
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Just a few weeks ago, UP LAWOD (provincial org of Masbatenos) had their anniversary. And as a tradition of almost every org, they had their Grand Pakain. Omnomnom! The meat produced from Masbate are world class, and they really were. They also had yummy tapa. Each and everyone of us had a tikim of everything =)))) Thank you, UP LAWOD!

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UP LAWOD also gave us these sweet carmelados. They're like the normal pastillas, with a little touch of caramel. Try and compare! Nomnom~

And that's about it. I wish this post will help you in some way. =)))
If not, oh c'mon. I know it did, or it will.
Thoughts? Hit the comment button! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The South of the Southern Luzon

Sitting at the tip of Southern Luzon is the hometown of the braves, the fighters--the Oragons, as my late Lolo used to call it, being a true-blooded (and super proud) Bicolano that he is. So technically, I am 1/4 Bicolana (which I just realized now!). And since I haven't been to the Bicol Region, these series of blog posts will be my inspiration and guide when I finally earn $$$. Hello, bucketlist! =)
The largest island in the Philippines
Being the largest island in the Philippines, one does not simply go there unprepared! After our jack-en-poy, I ended up having the Southern Bicol Region as my topic. One of the basic things you have to know when traveling is the geographical location of the place you're going to. Is it mountainous? Do you have to bring your trek shoes and large backpack? Is it a haven for beautiful beaches? Gotta pack your sunblock and shades! Whatever it is, never spoil your stay by coming unprepared.
 Source: Yahoo! PH
Show the picture above to a Grade 4 student and he will surely scream where it is located. Yup, that's the power of Albay!

Albay got its name from the phrase al baybay, which the Spaniards heard as "angtabay" that later became Albay. (Name Etymology Source:

Albay has a total land area of 2,554.06 square km, making it the 26th smallest province in the country. Now, imagine Mt. Mayon with a total land area of 314.1 square km, that's almost 1/8 of the whole of Albay! No wonder why wherever you go around the province, you will have the beautiful Mt. Mayon as background. Instagram-worthy pictures everywhere you go!
Legazpi City, the capital of Albay, is also the central administrative region of Bicol. Being mountainous for the most parts, ready your marshmallows and chocolates so you could make some s'mores with your friends when you camp out on one (or even all) of the Magayon Trio, the three beautiful mountains of Albay namely: Mayon, Malinao and Masaraga.


 By Air - Travel time is about an hour and a half from Manila, according to my roommate. They also have their own airport, the Legazpi Airport. A larger airport, Bicol International Airport, is currently under construction in the West of Legazpi City.

Tip: Constantly check for promo flights because they usually have one during lean seasons. :) 
By Boat - several ferry lines has their route to Tabaco International, Legazpi National, Pio Duran Provincial, and the Pantao Regional Port.

By Land - you can drive from Manila to Albay in almost 6 hours, that's when everything on the road is smooth.Or take a bus in Cubao for less hassle! You can also take the PNR, the cheapest fare would be around P600-700 for a reclining seat. But with all the sketchy news I've been hearing about PNR, I advise you guys not to take it.

Sorsogon lies in the southeastern part of Luzon, surrounded by bodies of water and right on the boundaries to the coast. Thus, you can expect a lot of resorts and beaches packed near each other. Located at the tip of Luzon, Sorsogon is the gateway to Visayas and Mindanao via RoRo (Roll-on/Roll-off) ferry terminals. The name "Sorsogon" can be traced back to the Spanish Era. According to myths, when the Spaniards reached a river in the Bicol Peninsula, they asked a native about the name of the place. Not knowing the Castilian language and thinking that they were asking for the location of the settlement, the native answered “sosogon” pointing to the direction up-river.  The strangers corrupted the word and wrote the name “SORSOGON’ referring to the area. (Name Etymology Source:

Did you know that there's a town in Sorsogon named "Bacon"? That must be one lovely town! Omnomnom~
Donsol, Sorsogon
One of the most famous tourist attractions in Sorsogon are the Whale sharks a.k.a Butandings. Donsol, Sorsogon is known to be the "Whale Shark Capital of the World". Merchants and locals provide an activity: "Whaleshark Interaction" that costs at a starting price of P3,500 per person for a maximum of 3 hours, depending on the weather and the approval of the Donsol Tourism Board. Yup, that's a huge price to pay but that tourist product is actually priceless, well at least for me. I'll be blogging more about this on my next posts so stay tuned! :)


 BY AIR - If you're coming from Manila, you'd have to book for a flight to Legazpi City, as that is the nearest airport to Sorsogon. Normal flights cost around P1,500 - regular price. From there, you can take a bus going to Sorsogon for about 45 minutes.

BY LAND - You can take a bus from Cubao to Legazpi City.The whole travel would take around 10 hours and cost from P700  to P900.

If you're a cheapskate, again, check for promo fares. Yes, the taxes your flight would incur could be just as much as the regular price but the time you save, that's so much more! Trade-offs! Imagine the things you could do in 10 hours, man, you can never take back that 10 hours again. (Hello, Econ!)


The name Masbate came about when Fray Martin de Rada sent a victory letter to the Viceroy of New Spain (Mexico). He mentioned that in a place called Masbat there were plenty of gold and mines. The name variation is understandable as Spaniards speak in an aspirated manner so Masbad must have been pronounced Masbat in the Spanish tongue. And so in 1582, Miguel de Lorca reported about "Masbate," the first time that name was used. (Name Etymology Source:

The whole of Masbate lies roughly in the center of the Philippine Archipelago. With that, island hopping is one of the fun adventure that awaits you once you get there!
Source: MEL blogspot

With lush green grasses all around the province, Masbate is ideal for cattle grazing. Hence, being titled as the "Ranch Capital of the Philippines". Every year, they hold the Masbate Rodeo Festival (the annual National Rodeo Competition), that showcases the skills of the cowboys and cowgirls of Masbate, and from all over the country.

Did you know that some of the first cattle in Masbate were imported from Mexico? Lakas diba!
BY AIR - Several airlines such as PAL and CebuPac have flights directly to Masbate via the city proper's airport:  Moises R. Espinosa Airport.

BY LAND - From Manila, take a bus going though the South Road to the Port of Albay, Pilar, Sorsogon, Pio Duran and Bulan. From there, take a RORO ship that can take you to Masbate in 2 hours and 15 minutes.

And that's it! Hope you guys learned a thing or two about the South of the Southern Luzon! ♥
Yes, it's a series of blog posts. So expect more about these beautiful places in my future posts.
Thoughts? Hit the comment button! :)